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EAN: 9789211016161
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This is a metal piece, designed by Curro Claret, that works as a joint to make stools, benches, tables, lamps reusing found materia ls by the end user.The firrst version was designed in 2010 as part of a project for people in risk of social exclusion to make their own furniture. Since then it has been involved with different groups and social organizations that work with people in dificult sit uations, mainly with Arrels Fundació, a Barcelona organization that helps people who had lived across the street.The project was awa rded by the Spanish Culture Department in 2010 in coincidence with the European Year of Fight against the Poverty and the Social Exc lusion.In 2011 it received a grant form CONCA (Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts de la Generalitat de Catalunya) In 2013 the project done with Arrels Fundació was awarded in Design category of the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona awards.It includes a brief tutori al and some graphic examples for the use of the piece.