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EAN: 9789213233689
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Tot Cor is an artistic, collaborative and supportive project, born with the aim of helping people to identify what they have beyond words, with the idea of ??transmitting good vibes and promoting empathy. The main piece of this project is the Cor, a heart-shaped v ase, designed to remember the good things in this world/ a vase to which you can put fresh flowers, dried flowers, branches with mes sages, brushes, or whatever comes to mind. Just looking at it every morning I fixed you a smile, a feeling of humanity, even on the grayest days.The heart, a metaphor for our inner being, materializes in Tot Cor to become a visible part of our daily life, in which its mere presence will bring out the best in ourselves.Pepa Reverter is the creativity that has designed and produced this object, with the intention of sending a collective message and with the idea of ??adding more people and growing in a broad project. Of cour se involved in this adventure more people and companies Km. 0 that make it possible for an idea to have and transform into a product to reach not only the market, but an infinitely more important place, in our hearts.