IVA inclòs
If the charming Country of the Rising Sunwere to, unfortunately, sink into the depths of the ocean due to one of the volcanic erupti ons which threaten to destroy it, it would continue to live on through the magical brush of Utagawa Hiroshige. By looking at his lan dscapes, the light wings of imagination bring us towards a country of rain showers and twilights a fairy scene in which rainbows f all to earth, breaking into a thousand prisms where waters gently flow towards the horizon, scattered with daffodils.This book off ers an unf...Estat: Disponible per a compra en línia en 10-15 dies
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255 pàgines
Format: Cartone
ISBN: 9781844845880
Idioma: INGLÉSMatèria: Art africà i oriental